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How can you protect the hair from styling tools?

As we take care of the skin, we have to take steps to protect the hair from sun exposure, chlorine, and saltwater, the heat of hair straighteners and hair dryers.

1. Choose a shampoo formulated for your hair type.
2. Moisturize your hair 2 times per week by using hydrate spray, masks and conditioners formulated for your hair type.
3. Wrap your hair in a towel to absorb the water.
4. Use products to protect like Heat Protectant Spray before using a hairdryer and hair straightener/curler, Sprays that contain silicone and keratin. ingredients can resist your hair from heat damage.
5. Use the right hairdryer tools.
6. Always keep your blow dryer 5 inches or more from the surface of your hair while using it.
7. Dry your hair completely before using a hair straightener/curler.
8. Use Heated Tools with Ceramic Plates.
9. Regular trimming, cutting a couple of inches is probably the best way to minimize the appearance of heat damage.

