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What is a keratin treatment and when you should do it?

What is a keratin treatment?

A keratin treatment is a chemical process that smooths and shines frizzy hair. Results can last up to six months. The treatment lasts for approximately three hours and consist of the following steps. - All done! The result would be smooth, shiny, manageable hair which will last you at least three months with a proper hair care regime.

Can keratin grow hair or thicker your hair?

Yes. When you add additional keratin proteins to those already found naturally in your hair, then bind them in using heat, it can thicken the individual hair follicle, giving you thicker, richer, and more luscious hair.

Which hair type should use keratin treatment?

If you have coarse and frizzy hair, we highly recommend keratin, as it eliminates frizz and softens hair for easier styling. If you're someone who doesn't like their curl or blows their hair out smooth on a daily, we would recommend keratin.

Can I do this at home?

Yes, but don’t expect salon-results. Make sure to buy the right keratin product.
